#morbius marvel
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Hello I don’t know if you’re currently taking requests but let me tell you. I need more about Milo. If you can. Like he became possessive with reader, jealous of everyone near her.
Milo X Reader: You belong to me
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Warnings: Fighting, bar fight, bone breaking, drunk men, sleazy men, smut, dirty talk, dom x sub (kind of), dom Milo, possessive Milo, ass bitting, fingering, making out, penetration ( p in v), unprotected sex, pet names.
Word count: 3K
He's staring again, he knows he is. He also knows he shouldn't but he can't help it. Not when you look like that. You're at the edge of the bar sipping a drink Milo can't quite recognize. He's known you for years but he never noticed what your go to drink was. Perhaps it was because he had been too occupied pretending the pain in his leg wasn't killing him to care or maybe it was because it didn't really matter. He would never be the one to approach you, your favorite drink in hand as he flirted his way into your heart. You'd never made him feel undesirable. He didn't believe you had it in you to make someone feel something like that but you didn't have to, his brain did the work for you. Self loathing does wonders to one's confidence. 
Milo has been watching you for a little while now. You hadn't invited him to the bar. It had been a coincidence. He'd sauntered into the pub, his mind set on finding a pretty thing to take home. He needed to test the waters of his new powers and he wanted company to do it. A special kind of company. He had expected to find someone random, anyone who peaked his interest enough. He wasn't expecting to see you, in fact, it was the last thing he expected but he would be lying if the sight of you didn't ignite something inside him. 
He still hadn't worked up the courage to walk over. This would be the first you saw him like this. The first time he'd talked to you since the "change". It thrilled him but it also scared him. He wondered how you would react. Would you just stare or would you scream at him for his irresponsible actions? He wouldn't be able to take the look of disappointment on your face. He remembered when you first found out about Michele's unorthodox studies. You didn't  speak to the doctor for a week which to some may seem like a small amount of time but that's because they had never met you. They had never had the pleasure of being around you long enough to feel the radiant energy that seeped from you. His fear of your opinion glued him to his spot but it didn't stop him from admiring you. Milo had almost accepted the fact that, despite wanting with all his heart to whisk you away from this dingy bar, you'd probably go home alone. It wasn't until a man approached you that Milos mind changed. He watched the man stumble towards you with a drunken smile on his face. You shuffled slowly to the side trying to put a small distance between the two of you. Milos' hands clenched at his side, his features turning into a scowl as he watched the scene before him. He saw you let out an uncomfortable laugh before shaking your head in a polite no. Milo noticed the way the man's body language shifted at your actions radiating a sort of dangerous energy. Milo didn't like it at all. Before his mind could compute what he was doing his body moved in your direction, his legs moving in steady steps. Milo had gotten to you just as the man had reached out to grab your arm, his body working as a barrier between you and the man. You glanced up at Milo with a look of visible confusion on your face.
“There you are darling. Was wondering where you'd gone.”
His name left your lips in a breathy whisper sending a chill down his spine.
“Hey asshole we were talking.”
“You know this guy?”
You shook your head timidly, your body moving closer to Milos as you searched for safety. Milo placed his hand on your arm before turning to look at the other man.
“You heard the lady. She doesn't feel like talking to you.”
“That is not what she said.”
“Yeah because she's too polite for that. Luckily for her i’m not, so i'll say what she’s really thinking.”
Milo paused for a moment, his ears picking up on the beating of your heart. It was a bit slower than it had been when he arrived but it was still faster than it should be. The heartbeat of someone who was afraid. The noise seemed to snap something inside Milo's brain, a sudden feeling of rage coming over him.
“Fuck off.”
You let out a small gasp at Milo's words, your fingers digging into his forearm. 
“Milo leave it, let's get out of here.”
He hated the way your voice shook as you spoke. He hated the fact that this man had gotten to you. He wanted to rip this neck open in front of this entire bar. He wanted to show them all that you were under his protection and that anyone that messed with you would have to deal with him. But the way you clung to him brought him out of his rage filled daze. He turned to look at you, his hands moving to push a stray hair behind your ear.
“Okay darling, if that's what you want.”
With one meaningful glance at the man Milo turned around, placing his hands on your hips as he guided you away from the bar and towards the door. You’d barely made it five steps when Milo felt something wet on his shoulder. He heard your scream of his name followed by the sound of glass shards falling to the ground. Milo didn’t give himself enough time to think before he pushed you away, his body turning around to face his attacker just as the man prepared himself to land a punch on Milo's face. His fist came in contact with Milo's body but not in the way he’d wanted it to. Instead of knocking into Milos cheek the man's hand found its way into Milos open palm, his eyes widening in fear as he made eye contact with the vampire. Milo twisted the man's arm, cracking the bone with ease. You watched with wide eyes as Milo tugged the man against his chest and whispered something in his ear before shoving him away. The man stumbled to the  ground using his unharmed hand to drag himself away from Milo in fear. Milo turned towards you, one hand pushing his hair back as the other reached for your arm. You let Milo drag you away from the bar, your legs moving quickly in order to keep up with his long strides. It was only then that you noticed he was walking without difficulty and without a cane. You stopped walking, your body freezing in the middle of the sidewalk causing Milo to stop as well. He turned to look at you, the anger in his features slipping away as he saw the fear on your face.
“Milo how are you…how did you-”
“It doesn't matter.”
“How the fuck can you say that? You just broke that guys like it was made of fucking paper!”
You glanced down at his legs.
“And you're walking like it's no problem.”
“What a big deal? People do that everyday.”
“Well you're not like most people Milo! You’re-
“What? A sick man? A weakling? A good for-”
“Stop it! I’d never call you any of that and you know it you jerk!”
You turned your face away from Milo, your hands going to wipe away the tears that had started to fall from your eyes. Milos' shoulders sagged at the sight. You just been through hell and here he was yelling at you like you were in the wrong. He called out your name, making you turn to look at him. Your lip shook slightly, making you bite on it in an attempt to look strong.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you. Please forgive me.”
He opened his arms to you with a silent request for a hug. You waited for a second before letting your body collide into Milos. He pulled you as close as he possibly could, burying his face into your hair. He listened as your heartbeat calmed down, a small sigh leaving your lips.
“Thank you.”
“Gotta be able to protect what’s mine.”
The words left Milos' lips with little effort. It wasn't until he felt your body tense that he noticed what he had said. He waited in silence, trying to see how you’d react. You shifted against him, lifting your head so you could look into his eyes. When you met his gaze and  saw the primal like expression in them your breath caught in your throat. You had no idea what had happened to him. Even though he looked the same as he always had there was something different about the way he looked at you. He looked at you like he was a lion and you were a juicy piece of meat. And though it startled you it also sent a thrill down your spine.
“What’s yours hum?” 
Your hand trailed down Milos chest fingers running over the clothes ridges of his abs.
“And what do you do with what’s yours?”
He couldn't take it anymore. Not with the way your body felt warm against him and the way you bit your lips as you spoke. Milos lips crashed into yours, his hands tangling into your hair as he kissed you. You let him grab onto your body, a small moan leaving your lips when he gives your ass a squeeze. He loved the sounds you made as his hands moved against you. You break the kiss, the need for air getting to you. Milos hands don’t leave your frame, his fingers digging into your hips as he rests his forehead against your.
“Take me to your house.”
“With fucking pleasure darling.” 
You’ve been inside Milo's house a thousand times and you knew the layout like the palm of your hand. Even so you managed to walk into the wrong room. You blamed Milo. The way he tugged at your body in desperation left your brain dizzy. You glanced around the room, eyes falling on the desk in the corner.
“This isn’t your bedroom.”
Milo raised his head, detaching his lips from your neck. 
“You’re right it's not. But this works.”
“There isn't a bed Milo.”
“Oh darling, who said we need a bed?”
A smirk spread across Milo's face as he watched your eyes widen before glancing to look at the desk once more.
“Well what are you waiting for? Get over there.”
“You want me on your desk?”
“I was thinking more like over my desk but on works too.”
You rubbed tights together at the sound of Milo's voice. You weren’t used to seeing this side of him. He was usually quiet and slightly melancholic. The man in front of you wasn’t like that at all. The man in front of you was demanding and sexy. You'd be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it.
“I thought I gave you an order darling.”
Milos hand wrapped around your throat squeezing lightly as he leaned down to give your lips a quick peak.
“Get over there. Now.”
“Yes sir.”
You turned around a yelp leaving your lips when you felt Milos hand come in contact with your ass in a rough slap.
“That's my good girl.”
“All yours sir.”
Milo licked his lips making his way to you. He watched as you hopped onto his desk, spreading your legs so that he could see your underwear. A moan left Milos lips as his eyes caught a look at the lace you wore.
“Planning on getting fucked tonight?”
“I was actually. Just wasn’t expecting it to be by you.”
Milos smile drops at your words. He leans in closer, placing his arms beside each of your thighs, caging you with his body. You swallow dry at the sight of the scowl on his face worried you’d angered him somehow. You had made him angry but not at you. Oh no. He was angry at everyone else. Angry at the others that had gotten a chance to look at you, touch you and taste you before him. He loathed them but he couldn’t change the past. The only thing he could do is make sure that for this day forward he was the only one who could have you like this. Milos eyes bore into you the silence making you uneasy but then he gave you a sly grin and you calmed down a bit.
“You think that…”
Milos hands made their way in between your legs rubbing your clothed clit as he spoke.
“Anyone could fuck you better than i can?”
Your hips bucked as Milo pushed your underwear aside playing with your folds for a moment before inserting a digit into your cunt. Your lips fell open as you moaned, closing your eyes as Milo fucked your with his fingers.
“I asked you a question.”
“No i-ugh shit- don’t think anyone can fuck me better than you.”
“And who do you belong to?”
“Ah-fuck please- you Milo. I’m yours, I'm all yours.”
“Good girl.”
You placed your hands behind you, fingers digging into the wooden desk beneath you as Milo kept up his brutal pace.
“Wanna cum pretty thing?”
“Yess please Milo…so close-oh-please don’t stop.”
“Okay i’ll let you cum but first you gotta give me a kiss.”
You pushed yourself up so that you were closer to Milo, one of your hands finding his cheek. He smiled at you, plunging his fingers as deep as he could. You launched forward, giving him a rough kiss. 
“Cum princess, go on cum on my fingers.”
He didn’t have to ask you twice. Your body stiffened as your orgasm washed over you, your hands snaking their way across Milo's shoulders as he worked you down from your high. Your body sagged into his as he removed his fingers from your pussy and brought them to his lips. He licked his hand clean of  your juices, head falling back at the taste of you.  
“Taste so good darling.”
“That perfuct fucking pussy.”
“Your perfect fucking pussy.”
Milos dick twitched at your words the sultry tone in them making him feel impossibly harder. You seemed to notice the way his hips shifted closer to you. Your hands made their way to his pants unbuttoning them before reaching into his boxers. Milo groaned as you pallmed his cock making you smirk up at him.
“Happy to see me?”
“You have no idea.”
“I think I got a pretty good feeling.”
Milo laughed, placing a kiss to your cheek as he pushed your hair away from your face. You moved your face so that you could place Milos fingers into your mouth. He watched as you sucked on his digits, never breaking eye contact. You removed his fingers from your mouth with a pop.
“Can I take care of you Milo?” 
“As much as I would love that darling, I need to be inside you.”
“OKay. How do you want me?”
Milo pulled you off the desk flipping you around so your back was pressed to his chest.
“Lay down darling.”
“Yes sir.”
You did as he asked your ass brushing against his hard on as you did. Milos hands moved to your hips pulling your dress up so that he could get a good view of your ass. He let out a wolf whistle as he grabbed your cheeks. 
“Now that’s an ass I could get used to kissing up to.”
“What's stopping you?”
Milos grinned at you leaning down and giving your butt a soft bite. You pressed your face into the desk at the feeling, your pussy clenching around nothing.
“Thank you.”
“Oh don’t thank me just yet darling. I’m about to ruin you.”
“I wanna see you try.”
“Is that right?”
“Uh hum.”
Milos hands ran up your bare thigh, his fingers toying with the edge of your underwear before ripping it off in one quick motion. You gasped as the cool air hit your exposed cunt. It wasn't long before the chill air was replaced with the feeling of Milo's warm skin. He inched his dick into your pussy slowly, trying not to cum at the feeling of your walls fluttering against him and the sounds of your squeals. Once he was fully inside he tugged your hair, forcing you to lean off the table. You could feel the outline of Milos abs against your back as he leaned down to suck on your neck.
“This is that last warning darling. Last chance to back out. If I start now I won't be able to control myself.”
“Lucian i swear to god if you don’t fuck me right now.”
Before you could even fully finish your phrase Milo had laid you back down on the desk and started pistoling�� into you. He’d bring his dick almost all the way out before plugging it back in all the way. Your nipples rubbed against the wood as your body rocked with Milos movements. You could feel the desk creaking beneath you a twinge of worry entering your system but quickly vanishing. So what if he broke the desk? He could afford a new one. What he couldn't afford was cumming before you. Milo's hands found their way to your clit, rubbing it exactly. He felt you clench around him as you came causing him to reach his own orgasm. Your body fell lip on the desk, whimpering as you felt Milo pull out. You shut your eyes listening to Milo walk to the other end of the room. He returned with a wet towel, gently cleaning up the cum that had started to leak down your thighs. You whispered a small thank you, far too tired to move. Milo threw the towel on the floor, his hands wrapping around your waist as he pulled you off of the desk. He sat down on his chair tugging you into his lap. You nuzzled into Milos neck, sighing contentedly. Milos' hands stroked your hair, observing you as sleep seemed to take over your body. He placed a kiss to your hair breathing in your scent. A scent that had been made for him and only him. Everything was just as it should be: you in Milos arms. The place which you’d always belonged to.
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incorrectbatfam · 5 months ago
If I was the Joker and my movie tanked harder than Morbius I'd straight-up leave Gotham
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florida3exclamationpoints · 8 months ago
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Marvel + text posts
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spongebobssquarepants · 1 year ago
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funnypages · 9 days ago
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"Sorry, I can't cure this disease" "You've legit restarted the universe, smacked God, and spanked the Devils bottom, but that's your line?"
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spaceshiprocket · 11 months ago
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Spider-Man vs Morbius by Paul Gulacy
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illyanarasputinfan · 8 months ago
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Alden Kaye
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mikyapixie · 17 days ago
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𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝙿𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢
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v4guelyv4mpiric · 2 months ago
i love when the ship is
one disabled guy and one able bodied guy working together for years to help those with similar ailments and being so dedicated to each other that the woman love interest feels almost like she's intruding*
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*clarifying. the relationship feels intrusive, not the woman herself. i would never speak of Martine and Mel like that
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Milo X Reader: Eternal
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This was a request @davrosfan23
Warnings: stealing, drinking blood, description of puncture wounds, death, dead people, blood.
Word Count: 2,2K
You feared a lot of things but death frightened you the most. You dealt with death on a daily basis. It was an unfortunate consequence of your profession. Nurses helped save lives but they also had to witness a lot of deaths during their careers. Your fear had been the reason you’d started researching vampirism in the first place. It had started out as a joke, something to help you pass the time. Something to give you hope. But soon enough it turned into a hobby. And then it became an obsession. You’d read every single literature that had been published. You’d exhausted every single web source and had even published some papers about the subject. It was safe to say you’d become an expert on vampirism. So when you flipped on the news and heard the words “the bodies were drained of their blood” you knew exactly what was going on. 
You’d stumbled into work that day, your body shaking in excitement while your mind tried to compute that this was actually real. You managed to sneak into the morgue of the hospital and find the body of the victim.
“Sorry about this.”
The corpse hardly seemed to mind your presence but you still felt like you should apologize for the intrusion. You leaned down, eyes glancing at the puncture wounds on the victims neck. There were two small holes, just like you’d imagined there would be. You placed the body back to its original position and went back to work like nothing had happened. That night you poured over the news, searching for every smidge of information you would find on the culprit. If there was really a vampire on the loose you needed to find them. 
Days passed and you heard nothing about any new victims. The people who arrived at the hospital were all suffering from normal injuries. Well, as normal as you could expect at a hospital. You had started to think your vampire had gone into hiding or perhaps they’d gotten control of their hunger. Both of those options didn’t benefit you in any manner. It would be much easier to get a starved monster to turn you than it would be to convince one who had already developed some sort of control. You were about to give up when there was another attack. You cursed yourself for having the day shift on the day it happened. But despite not being there when it occurred the attack had given you a clue about the culprit. They had access to the lower levels of the hospital. Which didn’t narrow it down all that much but it helped. You also knew that Dr. Micheal had been on the ship where the first bodies had been found and despite people thinking he was responsible for this more recent attack, something told you he wasn’t guilty. 
You’b been analyzing possible culprits for hours now. Your brain was starting to hurt and your eyes were growing tired.
“Okay break time.”
You walked to the nearest bar deciding that maybe getting some alcohol in your system might help you relax and get your brain back up and running. You were sitting on a stool of the bar, sipping your beverage absentmindedly, when the commotion started. You heard the raised voices to your left causing you to turn your head in that direction. There was a group of men surrounding a young woman. You observed the men, not recognizing them until your eyes fell on a particular one. You recognized Milo due to his visits to Micheals lab from time to time. You remembered him walking past the nurses station. Your eyes trailed down to where you were used to seeing his cane but it wasn’t there. You glanced up again, your eyes finally focusing on the way Milo looked. He seemed much stronger than the last time you’d seen him. You continued to watch the conversation, eyes glued to Milo's features. And boy were you glad you’d decided to focus on his face because the moment his features shifted before your eyes you knew you were looking at your vampire. You nearly fell out of your chair as the realization hit you. Once you'd managed to climb off the stool and make your way through the crowd you’d already lost sight of him. You let out a defeated sigh returning to the bar and ordering another drink. 
You spent the rest of the night trying to figure out how you’d get Milo to come to you. Eventually you got sick of the bar and decided to call it a night. You almost made it to your apartment when a scream cut through the silent street. Your body perked up at the noise. Before you could even realize what you were doing your feet were already on the move. You raced in the direction of the sound, eyes moving to look up at the sky in search of any movement. You wouldn’t have noticed the bodies if it weren’t for the smell of blood. You stared at the three corpses slumped in front of the bar you had just been at. A sudden gust of wind made you look up just in time to see Milo jump from one roof to the other. This was it. This was your moment.
You raced back to your apartment fumbling with the keys in desperation as you tried to open the door. You went directly to the small fridge hidden in the closet. You grabbed two bags of blood before rushing back out into the street. For the last few days you’d started stealing blood bags from the hospital. You never took too much, not wanting to draw attention to yourself. You just grabbed enough to have in case your plan worked. You didn’t want to be caught unprepared if you somehow managed to get yourself turned. You’d never been more glad for your overthinking. 
Climbing up the fire escape proved to be more complicated than you had anticipated. For some reason the landlord of the building had never taken care of the stairs which meant they cracked and clanged with every move. Still you managed to get to the roof in one piece and without spilling any of the blood. You stood in the middle of the roof, your eyes searching for any movement before grabbing the switchblade you’d put into your pocket. You cut open one of the bags, dipping your hand in the substance and smearing it against your neck. You applied a generous amount of blood to your body before spreading the rest in a circle around you.  
Now all you had to do was wait. 
The smell of blood was overpowering but you knew that was a good thing. If you wanted to draw Milos attention he had to be able to smell it from far away. You glanced at your watch impatiently.
“What the hell is taking him so long.”
“Well that's a first.”
Your head snapped at the sound of his voice. Goosebumps covered your body as you stared at him. You watched Milo make his way to you slowly. His features weren’t the way they normally were. There was a slightly monstrous look to them.
“I’ve been waiting for you.”
“I can see that.”
 Milo looked you up and down letting out a small hum of approval.
“The question is why?”
Your breath caught in your throat as Milo came closer to you, his face inches from yours.  Gosh he was handsome. 
“This isn’t yours.”
You knew he was referring to the blood. 
“No it’s not.”
“You must be crazy then.”
“I consider myself more of an admirer actually.”
“Is that so?”
There was actual surprise in Milo's face. Was he not used to people wanting him?
“I’ve been searching for you.”
Why had you been searching for him? Had it only been about becoming immortal? Or was there more to it? Could it have been because the thought of spending eternity with someone excited you? You hadn’t been opposed to the idea once you realized who the vampire was. Milo was a very attractive man and something about him made butterflies appear in your stomach. 
“I’m waiting.”
“Sorry. I want to be like you.”
The hand that had wrapped itself around your arm withdrew for a moment. You almost screamed at the lack of contact. Milo looked at you in silence. You could tell there were a million thoughts running through his head.
“I don’t know how to do that.”
“It's okay. I do.”
“What are you? Some sort of fanatic?”
“I’d like to consider myself more of an enthusiast.”
Milo laughed at your words, his hand going back to where he’d placed before. 
“Well alrighty then. I’ll turn you. On one condition.”
“Leave me alone.”
You gave him a puzzled look. 
“I can’t be stuck babysitting you. I’ve got my own shit to deal with.”
You felt like someone had just plunged a blade into your heart. Was he really that revolted by you? Milo watched your face change from sadness to anger then to acceptance. 
Milo leaned down, his tongue lapping at the half dried blood that clung onto your skin. You closed your eyes, allowing him to do as he wished. Your hands found their way onto Milo's shoulders as he continued to lick at your skin. Once he seemed satisfied with his work his lips moved to the vein in your neck. You felt the tips of his fangs puncture your skin, a small groan leaving your lips. You could feel the blood leaving your body. Milo's grip on you became even harsher than it had been before. It was then that you realized you’d just given a starved lion a juicy steak.  Getting him off wasn’t going to be easy but you were up for the challenge. You let Milo drink your blood for a while before grasping his hair in your hands. Once you’d started to feel faint you tugged at Milos' hair with all your strength. Despite being much stronger than you, Milo unlatched from your neck when you tugged at his hair. You eyes met his crazed ones for a moment before leaning forward and capturing his lips in yours. You felt Milo's body stiffen. Before he managed to push you away you bit into his lip as strong as you could. You felt the metallic taste of blood fill your lips. You could only hope that it was enough. Milo pushed you off him, his hand going to the gash on his lips.
“What the hell man!”
“I’m sorry it was the only way for me to-”
“You're crazy.”
With that Milo raced to the edge of the roof and jumped.
“Milo wait!”
You went after him. Your body felt strange and your legs wobbled as you tried to run but you managed to get to the edge. You hopped up on the ledge.
“Don’t leave me!”
Your body felt as light as a feather and your vision was starting to get blurry. Before you knew it your body sagged forward. You were falling. You closed your eyes as death came to greet you. The irony of the situation didn’t go missed by you. The last thing you felt before your demise was the feeling of cold metal beneath you. And then you were gone.
Darkness surrounded you. Was this what happened after death? Just a pool of nothingness? Kind of disappointing. You glanced around, searching for something other than pitch black. You’d almost given up when you heard something. The sound was far away but you could still hear it. 
You blinked your eyes as the harsh light of the street lamp came into view. You groaned, trying to get up.
“Hey mister you should probably stay still. The ambulance will be here any second.”
You glanced at the person talking to you. Your eyes widened as you realized you could hear their heartbeat. Your throat felt raw. It was like you hadn't had anything to drink in years. And your stomach. Good lord. Your stomach ached in a way you’d never felt before. You took a deep breath in as you managed to sit up.
“It’s a miracle you survived the fall.”
You could hear the person talking to you but you couldn’t focus on the words. Your nose had gotten a whiff of blood and your mouth had started to salivate. You turned to look at the person beside you.
“And don’t even worry about the car. I’m just glad you’re alright. 
You felt the muscles in your face shift as you watched the person's eyes widen. 
“What the he-”
Before they’d even managed to get the rest out you pounced. Your fangs grew as you opened your mouth. You sank your teeth into the person's neck, cutting off their scream as you finally got a taste of what your body so desperately craved.  You felt their body sag into the ground as you drank them dry. Once there wasn’t any more blood you unlatched yourself from their corpse. You looked up at the moon and grinned. Your body had never felt stronger. You felt invincible. No. You were invincible. A strangled laugh made its way out of your lips.
“Eternal at last.”
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doomreturn · 2 months ago
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Legion of Monsters by Dan Brereton
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endofthelinegang · 1 month ago
guys i feel so behind
who r we fiending for
who r we loving
what do we want
please fill me in
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bridoesotherjunk · 1 year ago
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Stop it.
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You will never be Spider-Verse
You're not him. You're not Miles.
We can have these movies without making them all inter-connect. I'm TIRED of bad multiverse stories. If you're not on the same level as Spider-Verse, then I don't want it!!!!!!
I just want my gay alien with his sweaty loser husband to be HAPPY and NOT in the MCU, is that too much to ask!!?
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logansgaar · 4 months ago
Peter Parker truly has a disproportionate amount of enemies that are homoerotically obsessed with him and yet Marvel maintains that he must stay straight
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extraordinary-heroes · 2 years ago
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The Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #25 (Variant Cover art by Dan Hipp)
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duskkodesh · 4 months ago
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Marvel thinks they're funny...
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